Cell To Baby
Centre of the Cell

In this interactive, visitors to Centre of the Cell can find out how a single cell develops into a new born
This game was designed and developed as part of Centre of the Cell’s STEM Pod refurbishment in 2023. It is displayed on a dual display touch table interactive which opens up from the nucleus of the STEM Pod. It features a camera which takes a picture of the visitor and puts it on to the baby’s head as it grows. It also includes a coin slot, where players insert a penny to compare it to the size of the growing embryo.
Centre of the Cell is an informal science education centre opened in 2009 and conceived to engage young people with cell biology and biomedical science, to raise aspirations, to encourage positive health choices and inspire the next generation of biomedical scientists and clinicians. It is located in the Blizard Institute at Queen Mary University of London in Whitechapel.

Top Screen

Touch Table Projection

The game starts with the visitor inserting a coin into a coin slot.